I’m not calling back because I have cold feet, but the deal has changed. My husband will go in my place as we initially arranged. He’s healing remarkably well considering all he’s been through. I know you would have preferred me and Kalvin, but Eustace is a hunter after all, and he’ll be more helpful than […]

“What do you remember about your father growing up?” “Not much to tell–strict, intense, distant. I have less a memory of him than a general feeling of dread.” “Where does that dread come from specifically?” “When my mom got the job, they would scream at each other for hours. When it got really heated Ron […]

The oath of MIR was formed out of a tradition of public service. Each new recruit is sworn in after reciting the oath from memory during the induction ceremony. It is through this tradition that each officer better understands their commitment to the infected and the ravages of Lycantrosis. It is the sworn duty of […]

The history of Leek Denaa (loosely translated to “Men of the Wolf”) traces its origin to 1986, four years after the first recorded case of Lycantrosis in the United States. Extreme prejudice against werewolves and their families caused population displacement into unincorporated U.S. land. With its low population and harsh weather, Alaska became an ideal […]

The droning of the void returned muffled and dying as Dan hunted for its source. He raced down the cold corridors of a dizzying, dark hive. Red lights trailed overhead with each snapping turn. Dan feared his heart would give out as his momentum blurred his vision. Walls ceased to stop him now, and water […]

Persons aiding in the termination of the wolf-blooded will be kept nameless. Acts of charity are best kept anonymous. Annex to The Doctrine – July 7th 2015 Herein under the discretion of sanctioning bodies. Infected individuals –in exchange for immunity and/or monetary sum–may also be conscripted in the termination of other infected. This agreement must […]

Hello. You’ve reached Eustace and Claire Bully. If you’re calling for Danny, please try his cell phone. If you are from the factory calling for Eustace, please leave your name and number and he’ll get back to you as soon as he is able. Thanks!   I’m calling for Claire. You’re the only one left […]

The trail is more than cold–it is bloody, beaten, raped, and wretched. Moral codes have eroded along with family and country. Those remaining are victims. Those remaining are criminals. With the dream of home gone, the final days of the infected lurch on as beast and man converge on the forgotten Alaskan city of Leek Denaa. Old and […]

  A hearty congratulations to the Chicago Cubs is in order after their unbelievable comeback against the Indians in the 2016 Word Series. As a resident of the South-side of Chicago, my allegiance has always been with the White Sox, but seeing the joy in Cubs fans’ eyes over the course of this post season […]

Greetings friends! It’s been some time since I posted the epilogue to Dog Days. After three years straight of writing, it was time for a vacation/hiatus. In that time, I learned that finishing this story was going to take much longer than anticipated. Balancing a full-time job and big boy responsibilities can be draining, but […]